Monday, May 14, 2012


Hello hello hello! I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have written, but things have been crazy and we can rarely get to the internet cafe. So pretty much this is going to be tons of pictures! yes!!

This is the road that we live on in Dodowa

This is our home :) it is made completely of cement with some dirt floors in certain rooms. The black tanks on the left are our water supply for showers and using the bathroom, washing clothes and dishes.

the usual random village kids that run up to us in the street and ask for us to take their picture
The Orphanage!!
This is Beauty. She is three years old. and such a doll! she is very good with English and is often seen with snot running out of her nose :)
This is Irene. She is eating her morning porridge.
The cutie on the right is Connie. We didn't know her name for a long time because she pretended to not know english....little squirt! The beauty on the right with me is Coco. Her real name is Florence and she is so sweet and helpful. She recently stepped on a nail and had to go get a tetanus shot. I had to hold her down in the orphanage while one of the house mothers burned her foot. They believe that burning any wound will heal it, which is wrong. But we cannot change a culture, so I had to go along with it and sob while she screamed in pain. They do this daily to kids with wounds, that is why the kids always want to come to us for help with cuts and things.
 This is Felix. He is usually seen with a frown on his face but we have been getting him to be happy and smile! That is what makes this job worth it. He is so precious and his smile is to die for!

This is Kwame Adu with little Prince Benedict.

Well folks, it takes about five min to load each picture so I will return with much more!! This is just a taste of what I do. It's fantastic! ;)


  1. What sweet pictures! Im especially glad to see you!
    What is the address at the orphanage? We want to send some things! Where do you go to the bathroom? The kids are so cute! Im sure it is going to be hard to come home! Love them every second! We love you and miss you!

  2. Your mom just hooked me up on your blog so now I can watch all your adventures. I can't believe you are really there. The pictures are amazing and you look so happy! We love you so much. Love Grammy
